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Finance Ministry - Relaxation of Income Tax Compliances

  • Extend last date for income tax returns for (FY 18-19) from 31st March 2020 to 30th June 2020.
  • Aadhaar-PAN linking date to be extended from 31st March 2020 to 30th June, 2020.2.
  • Vivad se Vishwas  Scheme – no additional 10% amount, if payment made by June 30, 2020.
  • Due dates for  issue  of notice, intimation, notification, approval order, sanction order, filing of appeal, furnishing of return, statements, applications, reports, any other documents and time limit for completion of proceedings by the authority and any compliance by the taxpayer including investment in saving instruments or investments for roll over benefit of capital gains   under Income Tax Act,  Wealth Tax Act, Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, Black Money Act,  STT law, CTT Law, Equalization Levy law, Vivad Se Vishwas  law  where the time limit is expiring between 20th March 2020  to 29th June 2020 shall be extended to 30th June 2020. 
  • For delayed payments of advanced tax, self-assessment tax,  regular tax, TDS, TCS, equalization levy, STT, CTT  made between 20th March 2020  and  30th June 2020,  reduced interest rate  at 9%   instead of 12 %/18 % per annum ( i.e. 0.75% per month instead of 1/1.5 percent per month) will be charged  for this period.  No late fee/penalty shall be charged for delay relating to this period. Press Release 24Mar2020


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