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Telangana makes masks compulsory for everyone stepping outside

The Telangana government has updated the earlier advisory of ‘Masks only for the Sick’ to ‘Mask on while stepping outdoors, in closed spaces and while interacting with others’.

The latest advisory issued by the Health, Medical and Family Welfare department asking everyone to use masks whenever they go out or even while interacting with others is based on the latest learning from the medical and scientific community.

The following points may be strictly ensured as per the advisory: -
  • The mask should cover nose, mouth and chin completely.
  • All offices and work places may be encouraged to use Masks by all their employees at all times. 
  • Mask should be used by all frontline workers while on duty. 
  • All residents of rural areas should also be encouraged to use masks while at work or in public places. 
  • Mask on doesn't mean that mask will hang around the neck. 
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before wearing the mask. At the beginning of the day, use only freshly washed and cleaned mask. As soon as the mask becomes damp or humid, Switch to another mask and clean the used mask. Never reuse a mask after single use without cleaning it.
  • The mask should never be reversed and worn. This will increase the chances of contamination.
  • It is advised that reusable cloth masks be the first choice. Only under unavoidable circumstances, should one resort to disposable masks. If one uses a disposable mask, please change the mask every six hours and dispose it safely in a closed dustbin. Disposable masks should not be reused. 
  • When removing the mask, do not touch the front or any other surface of the mask, remove it only with strings behind. For string mask, always untie the string below and then the string above. 
  • After removal, immediately clean your hands with 70% alcohol- based hand sanitizer or with soap and water for 40 seconds. 
  • Used mask should be dropped into a soap solution or boiling water to which salt has been added, till the mask is washed. 
  • Cleaning the used cloth mask is as important as using it. It is recommended to thoroughly wash the mask with soap/Dettol/Savlon and warm water and leave it to dry in hot sun for at least 5 hours or boil the cloth mask in hot water for 15 minutes, allow it to dry and use domestic iron to apply heat for 5 minutes. Cleaned masks should be stored in a clean and dry place. 
  • It must be remembered that MaskOn is not aa substitute to other measures of social distancing and hygiene. If a distance of up to 2-meter should maintained from others at all times, wash hands thoroughly and frequently and avoid touching face or eyes.


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