In view of the hardships due to lockdown, all 87.59 lakhs food security cardholders in the state would be given 12 kg of rice per person amounting 3.58 lakh tonnes at a cost of Rs 1103 Crores. Further all food security card holding families would be given a one time support of Rs.1500/- to meet the expenditure on other essential commodities such as dal, vegetables and salt etc. at an estimated cost of Rs.1314 Crores. All the Government as well as private establishments shall make payments of wages/salaries fully to the workers/employees including those working under contract and outsourcing basis during the lockdown period. Any violation will be viewed seriously and will invite penal action under The Epidemics Disease Act 1897. During the lockdown period, steps will be taken to ensure that there is no disruption in the supply of essential commodities to the people. All Educational institutions and education department activities including spot valuation will be closed till 3...
This is a place to refer all concessions / reliefs provided by governments and authorities to Indian Businesses due to Corona (Covid-19) outbreak. This blog covers - Income Tax, Goods and Service Tax, Customs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Telangana Government etc., We will also try to update at faster pace. Copy of notification or circular is also provided here for immediate reference.